Company: Marcel Productions
Administrator: Markus Hernandez
Date: September 2021 - Present
Position: Part-Time
- Demonstrated ability to use film equipment and editing soft wears
- Capable of working in environments of many people
- Collaborating and communicating with others
Marcel Productions Youtube Channel
Markus is my roommate and creative partner in making content. We both decided that it would be a perfect opportunity to film "University Videos" on campus. I film and edit the videos which are posted on a Youtube channel called "Marcel Productions." With only two videos so far, we have a total of over 7500 views. Making videos has been a great way to engage with students on campus and has provided us with a form of standing out amongst our peers.
Markus also runs a podcast called "Marcel Mondays" and has posted content for almost two years. This fall, I was given the honour to co-host with Markus. I also have the responsibility to edit the audio as well.